Friday, June 11, 2010

The Rock gets the boot

Today was a busy albeit short day.  We got a lot done, which is pretty usual for a Friday since we have several great worker shares who come to lend a hand.

One of our many odd jobs today was removing a rock from the drive road that has been damaging cars lately.  Many an oil pan (and one muffler) have been punctured from this rock.  Luckily, it wasn't as big as all the damage would have you believe and was easy to remove.

We harvested a measly 1.5 pounds of sugar snap peas, but many more were on the way and will undoubtedly be ready to harvest by Monday.  We also harvested some more broccoli.

Preparations continue in the building of the hoop house.  One day it will be up!

Nate did the much-needed chore of filling in the puddles and mud-holes in the drive road with wood chips. It already seems like a much more pleasant place to walk.

Maria and I picked up several pieces of remay off the brassicas today: broccoli and brussels sprouts.  The good news is that these plants are now large enough to defend themselves from any flea beetle damage.  The bad news is that weeds LOVE being under remay just as much as plants do, and in fact it seemed at times that perhaps the broccoli was the 'invasive species' under there, as the weeds outnumbered them 10:1 at the very least.  We got to work on it and made quite a bit of headway, but there is still more to be done, there and in carrots and peas, which seem to be a great habitat for thistles this year.

More rain in the forecast for this weekend!  Well, at least we won't be working in it.

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