Sunday, May 16, 2010

Pea Trellis

Friday, May 14th Maria and I drove stakes into the ground at intervals of 10 feet down each row where peas were emerging.  We strung up a simple trellis, taking care to pull the string taut so that it holds the weight of the peas as they grow.  We strung 5 rows to make one trellis, at about 6-8 inches between each row.  It was a good day to pound stakes into the ground, as it had rained for several days prior and the ground was nice and soft.  Hopefully, we did a good job and the peas will climb the trellis and stay up so we can harvest them easily.  Last year, some of the plants ended up on the ground because the string wasn't taut enough, and it was a royal pain to harvest them.  I'll have no one to blame but myself if that happens.

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